
Project Desert Lion

see the english pitch video here: Idea: A new and unique visitor attraction concept in Dubai. Family oriented, affordable, low capex, (unlike Big Box outlets). Entertainment, edutainment and family reconnection content with several synergetic spin offs to augment income. Theme focus: highly interactive miniature worlds. Proof of concept: successful reference case in Germany (see – but totally new to the GCC. Reasoning: Dubai requires (more) AFFORDABLE and family friendly visitor attractions. This undertaking entertains the whole family, (re-) connects children and parents, is affordable, offers a creative edutainment component and significant synergies (families can take the inspiration home to explore further – we assist). There are significant synergies beyond the core attraction: F&B, home service, exclusive product agency, expansion and future replication. Most importantly, the concept is not Capex intensive and can be phased. Comparable and competitors s achieve 1 mn visitors p.a. within 1-2 years from opening – our base case requires only 110,000 visitors p.a. at AED 55 average door admission fee to reach financial targets. Of course, Visitor Attractions were heavily impacted by COVID. Our most recent field research proves however, that as lockdowns are eased and vaccination nears, people still – more than before – seek entertainment, attractions and experiences. With disposable incomes reduced, affordable attractions are much more in demand than expensive Big Box outlets. Status: Building identified and under lease option, incorporation in final stages, detailed planning for Phase 1 complete. Discussions with DTCM and DED ongoing. Technical team and key management on standby. Physical implementation starts upon secured equity and opening within 8 months. September 2021 envisaged. Proposition: Looking for equity contributor(s) of US$ 900k – can be investment in full or combination of equity loan and investment. IRR projected >83%, ROI > 1,000%, NPV > US$ 13mn (before terminal value, = 12x capital). Equity (either form) to be repaid in 4 years (shares remain with equity partners - significant upside potential). Exit and/or expansion/growth strategies in place. Full business plan available after NDA executed.

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